

creating new pathways…

Dr. Fushcia-Ann Hoover is an interdisciplinary researcher specializing in social-ecological urban systems. She employs a range of approaches and perspectives that include environmental justice, green infrastructure performance, and urban planning, evaluating the impacts of green infrastructure planning when framed by racism, justice, and place-making.

Environmental justice enriches our work by empowering us to ask questions that go beyond our typical models or analyses.
— Dr. Fushcia Hoover

 Dr. Hoover earned her master's and doctorate from the Interdisciplinary Ecological Sciences and Engineering program in Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of St. Thomas, MN.

She is an assistant professor of environmental planning at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, and is a research affiliate with the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability’s Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-term Ecological Research site at Arizona State University. Dr. Hoover’s past positions include postdoctoral research fellowships at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), and the Environmental Protection Agency in Cincinnati.